Of course there has so much fun travel with friends, but the big problem have to face is the money the budget problem! You have to plan and plan, count and count all the budgets and schedules, you have to make everyone agrees with you, you have to make everyone satisfies, you have to follow everyone's mood... I'm always the leader in group of friends, maybe I am the person who quite active, sometimes I feel annoy and troublesome because I have to ask their time one by one, arrange the schedule nicely make them agree with me. If one of them doesn't want to go another one follow her too and at the end screw up everything!
My group isn't big just few people but also will influences each other's mood if one doesn't in the mood or she shows her attitude again...Settle meals is also a big problem! If your group have couple/s, it's very hard let one of them satisfied your plan. That's great if both are easygoing, but what if they aren't? When you suggest or just give a idea to eat, someone's face is showing she/he is doesn't want it. I don't like people acting, example when you say "it's okay, we separate go buy own foods" it doesn't mean you wanna abandon anyone, just you already feel someone is not agree with you. When you say you let them find for meals they want, let them have their own space I don't like take meal with couple especially the "romance couple" I can't stand for their "romantic ways" they start acting and say "never mind, it's okay we can lunch/dinner together" Okay, maybe they are try to be kind or "team-spirit", but hey! Don't show your annoying face to your friends, people try so hard to make everyone satisfies, if you don't really like it just say it don't let people to guess what are you thinking about.
Advise for those who are planning and going to travel, make sure you have plan B,C,D bla bla bla, just in case, must has a plan before you're going to do something. And remember must has a good communication with each other, no one wants to argue during the trip.
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