

December 28, 2011

Ho Ho Ho...Santa Claus is Coming to Sabah....

December 28, 2011
Ho Ho Ho....玛丽 克立斯马斯 Merry Christmas!!!!! Finally I came back from Sabah last night! home sweet home ♥ ♥ Tired? No !! I'm still full of energy...! *Like A LouSai   Last Christmas trip I went to Macau with my family and my dad's friends...but this time, this year's Christmas I went to Sabah with my parents, brother and his baby girl, my cousin, aunt and my cousin's relative( her aunt and her counsin) *total 9 people... I was disappointed when my mum told me that news(Sabah trip) cuz I thought we would go abroad this year....!!!! I went Sabah for 4 days 2 night 23th night departure and 26th afternoon back....In facts I didn't went many places because not enough time for our trip.....
We live at Gaya Hotel is opposite the shopping mall Suria Sabah
and also opposite the sea such a beautiful scenery  
my room!!!
 enjoy the beautiful scenery while eating breakfast
Day 1
 souvenir shop at mountain , look like Genting Highlands
kept raining on Day 1 so the weather also like Genting damn cold.....!
museum , just intro about Sabah *is a small museum =.=
upstairs is museum
downstairs is restaurant and place for visitors rest  
Hot Spring *I was really very S.C.A.R.E.D!!!!!! while walking the bridge
I even not dare to look down!!! even more frightening , my brother kept shaking
and I felt like I'm acting Final Destination 6.....=.="
UpperStar is very famous in Sabah
can see many different kinds of UpperStar at everywhere
got UpperStar restaurant , US cafe , US bar.....
 my favorited spaghetti
Chicken Satay
24th night , after we ate dinner we went back to hotel rest awhile......
parents were slept cus they're very tired after the hot spring
so 4 of us decided went to the nearest place US bar to countdown!!!
*people mountain people sea 人山人海
full of people in US bar
the cool things was they gave everyone a mask , whistle and bla bla bla....
wow!!!! I was so excited!!!!
long island and beer
I prefer beer don't think that long island is nice to drink....

So , the Day 2 we had do nothing!!!! just ate lunch....went to 1 Borneo shopping mall and Suria then rest in room.....still have many places we did't go!!! such as island....I really really want to go to island!!! I want diving see the beautiful fish under the sea....!!!! and I also want go to Kota Kinabalu mountain!!!! I want see to Rafflesia flower!!!!!! so many places I want to go.....=.=

December 27, 2011

Small Celebration ❤

December 27, 2011
谢谢QiQi买给我的生日蛋糕...很好吃我很喜欢...其实也是我跟她们要的  没什么  我要的礼物很简单  我只想有一块小蛋糕 有一支蜡烛让我许愿就好  我的目地就是许愿...因为本身也不大喜欢吃蛋糕所以买小小的就够了....
虽然看起来没什么真正在庆祝 虽然看起来不怎么惊喜 但对我来说心意 开心最重要 Facebook收到很多网友&同学的祝福我也很开心 就算你买一个LV给我 也不见得我会开心到哪里去 (其实我本人都不喜欢LV) 不知道为什么这么今年的生日会特别特别的满足 不是知足的关系...那种满意程度开心程度是找不到形容词来形容的.....
之后第二天 也就是我生日当天 我 佩宇 琪琪 去Sunway逛街 是大哥带我们去的...当然也是我叫的 一生人就只有我这么一个妹妹 难得我生日 当然要识货一点对妹妹好嘛....XD 走了一整天逛了一整天 回到家脚累死!买的东西很少 因为我要的东西都买不到了....
有收到祝福好过没有 有被在乎被记得 总好过被遗忘被抛弃  一些人认为生日就要很风光的庆祝 一定要很特别的礼物 一定要受到很多很多的礼物 也就因为太现实  太要物质上的享受却忽略了别人的心意 所以当你收到一个并不怎么起眼的礼物 你很嫌会不喜欢 想想看....有人送你礼物 有人记得你的生日 总好过什么都没有吧....
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