

April 27, 2014

My internship - Wanwang Tarts House

April 27, 2014
People might be confused my job, it's really got many things can learn can do in office...Upstairs office is doing patent and downstairs is a souvenir shop, they having making pineapple tarts class and making biscuits class...First time taught kindergarten how to make pineapple tarts and biscuits, it such an interesting experience! 

Wanwang tarts house Blog: wanwangtarts.blogspot.com

Hmm...is not only for kindergarten, everyone can join this class as long as you are interested in it....They are so cute!  I felt happy when they called me "teacher, I don't know how to do this.."The feelings....is like...a mother take care of her children? LOLLLL I don't know how to describe my feelings, just like to teach them...First time I can be so patience with kids, I don't really like kids actually especially when they cry! Feels so annoy... Got few kids were very lazy to do, they were sitting there and waiting for their teachers made for them, I don't think that it's a good thing for them, I won't spoil them and I will show them how to do it and hold his/her hands do together, at least they got try to do... Making biscuit class can helps them to be more creative, they can do any cartoon or pattern they like, I don't think their work is ugly, I think is cute and special, can see how creative they are, by the way it also can train my patience...The moment with them is so unforgettable though I just spent for 2 hours with them...
After I intern I realized that being a student is more relax more comfortable more happiness than work....Yeah, of course you got salary, you can buy anything that you want if you're working...People used to tell me working is so stressful, that kind of stress is come from..... you have to beware of people surrounding you, your colleagues while you're working...My colleague told me that work is like a war, face a lot of works everyday, against your enemies all the time, is it why people will get depression?

April 02, 2014

大雄民宿 Melaka Town Homestay

April 02, 2014
为了方便大家能在低消费找到舒适的住宿,近来越来越多人经营Budget Hotel 廉价旅馆,尤其马六甲是大家公认的旅游胜地,Budget Hotel 接二连三地一年比一年多。对于Homestay 民宿可能还是一些人不知道它的用意。Budget Hotel 和 Homestay的分别是,Budget Hotel的设备没Homestay齐全,方便,一间房间最多可以让四个人休息。相反地Homestay最适合给一家人或一大群人一起居住,办群人活动也很方便,像是开派对这类的活动,比较拥有私人场所的感觉,设备和价钱当然也比Budget Hotel方便很多 便宜很多。

Many of budget hotels are building in Malacca now. Most people would rather stay in budget hotels, although they are cheaper than hotels but the facilities are lesser than homestay. May be people will confuse between homestay and budget hotel, budget hotel same as hotel, rooms are separate and it can't take in more than 6 guests, but homestay can stay for more than 8 persons...Homestay suitable for 12 people, like family, a big group, come for gathering, party or others purpose. Of course price is cheaper than budget hotel.

大雄民宿位于马六甲市中心 Melaka town area,出入方便,不管到旅游景点还是去吃马六甲最著名的美食或是土产,短暂的车程便能抵达目的地。大方慷慨的老板提供最好的服务和设备,他说要是有节日,就会抽空布置美化一下他的民宿,希望来这里住的客人能感受的气氛。还是会有一些自称自己经营的是Homestay可是规格却和Budget Hotel没什么分别,而这家大雄民宿却是让你能租下一整间家跟自己人聚会,并不是一间房一间房地租出去。价钱很便宜,不超过马币四百块,一共有三间房间,一间房间可以到四个人睡,来到这里真的有像自己家的感觉,要什么有什么非常方便!虽然冷气有很多架,但是就算不开冷气,只是开着大门吹吹风也很凉爽,空气很流通,一点都不闷热,晚上还能看到马六甲的夜景呢!
Da Hong Homestay is located at Kampung Lapan which is Melaka town area, it is near the attractions and shopping malls. The homestay was operated half a year, landlord is very kind and friendly, he was wiling to provide all my request, gave me all my wants and needs. This is also one of reason why people will give compliment of this homestay. He said sometimes he will decorate his homestay if there is any festivals, he hopes people will get surprise and feel warm when stay here.

It is a private unit of vacation home therefore not rent by room. Price is below than RM400, apartment newly renovated with 3 rooms, can stay for 12 person, each room can take in about 4 people and having private car park also. He said he was put a lot of efforts into design of homestay, it simple but elegant, there is no much different from photos, space is spacious, clean and comfortable. Having good ventilation inside and can enjoy Melaka view at night.

老板说他有重新粉刷过,也很用心设计这家民宿,简单到来很优美,照片上跟真实环境简直没分别,光线很足,客厅到厨房都很宽敞,给予足够的冷气和风扇,住在这里一点都不闷热。才经营半年的民宿却得到很多青睐也不是没理由的。我个人是以干净和方便为主,所以大雄民宿对我来说是无可挑剔,真的要说的话可能是要上到四楼吧....因为那是一间在第四楼的租屋,不过上到楼看到那么漂亮舒服的民宿,什么都值得了,再说本人体力就很好,四楼其实也没有很高啦....老板还特地安装ASTRO, DVD机和麻将,到了晚上多的是东西来打发时间。

For more information please click https://www.facebook.com/melakatownhomestay
or read blog http://www.homestaymelakatown.blogspot.com
or call / sms John 010 899 0988

要是想知道更多细节,可以去按赞这家民宿的Facebook https://www.facebook.com/melakatownhomestay
或者游览 Blog  http://www.homestaymelakatown.blogspot.com
或直接拨打/信息 010-899 0988 John

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